
Christie first began practicing yoga in 2006 at Yoga Works in Costa Mesa where she became inspired to enhance her western knowledge of health as a critical care nurse with the philosophies of yoga. After completing the 500 HR YogaWorks teacher training certification Christie founded Guru Gita Yoga in effort to empower people with more holistic ways in which to maintain & improve their physical & emotional wellbeing. She guides her students in the discovery of their own inner guru, a constant source of light & peace.

Christie has also trained and studied in the arts of dance, Kung Fu, equestrian horseback riding, and motocross. Having attending numerous workshops & retreats with Tim Miller, David Swenson, Richard Freeman, Erika Burkhalter & Gerhard Gessner, Christie teaches Vinyasa Flow Yoga with a solid foundation in the tradition of Ashtanga yoga.

Now a gratefully blessed mother of a wonderful little baby girl, she has taken some time off teaching her usual yoga classes and works as a critical care nurse at UCSD Medical Center.

"Having studied much Buddhist philosophy, I have found the practice of yoga to be very influential and supportive in the effort towards developing and maintaining a compassionate and balanced approach to life. I aim to guide my students toward developing the open awareness and aspects of nonresistance, non-judgement and non-attachment that a steady yoga practice can bring." - Christie Lane